Tuesday, October 25, 2011

You're better than you think you are...

Today I took some time (between studying for two exams tomorrow) to watch videos of the Leadville 50 mile and 100 mile runs. These are my motivational videos for training.

When I did the Boulder Ironman 70.3 , I easily spent somewhere in the vicinity of 3 hours a month watching videos of previous races (this could even be an understatement). It's amazing the amount of time that can be wasted  watching Youtube videos. I've spent some time thinking it over though, and I actually believe it's not a waste of time at all.

I've found an overwhelming number of videos that highlight mutant human beings popping off 6 minute miles over mountainous terrain, 68 miles into a 100 mile race. However, there are perhaps even more videos of "normal" human beings pouring their guts out, simply trying to finish a race.

A mix of watching winners and... not-winners... gives me a good feel for what I'm getting myself into. Aside from the motivation of seeing others finish, there is a familiarity that I gain from observing the environment of a race (runners, terrain, weather, etc.) and also a mental preparation that helps me relieve pre-race anxieties.

When I was training for the half-Ironman, I learned race strategies from watching videos. It was amazing how those strategies actually played out during my race day. When I arrived at mile 11 of the run, I knew that I only had 2 miles to go, but all I wanted to do was walk. I remembered a video I watched of Chrissie Wellington running, and I decided to adopt her form for the remaining two miles. She is an amazing athlete, but come to think of it now, I should have adopted Craig Alexander's (no offense, but he's a lot faster).
At any rate, what's important, is that while my body was physically done, I was able to tap into the strength of another runner mentally. I feel like this provided a way for me to do something that I felt (at the time) I was incapable of.

Today my legs are sore- and I don't feel like running.
I just watched a video of a runner who did not finish the 2010 Leadville 100 mile run. This year he went back determined to finish, and did so barely under the last cut-off time. His video ends with one of the race organizer's motivational speeches (I think the day before the race). His last words were,

"You're better than you think you are. You can do more than you think you can."

These are the kinds of things I want in my head during a race, especially when I'm considering stopping.


Bagels On The Go said...

I need to get my butt up off my chair...you're my motivation to get into good shape! Some of the stuff you do is insane, to me :)

Unknown said...

I don't like to think of myself as insane Jacob. It sounds better if you say that I'm a bit "abnormal" ;) There are, however, many more people who I would consider insane (especially in the realm of endurance sports) You still running?