Monday, November 22, 2010

Christmas Gift

Christmas comes but once a year. Does this mean giving comes but once a year? It sounds pessimistic, but I'll propose giving won't come at all this Christmas.

I am about to start an argumentative essay on Christmas giving. My argument: That Christmas giving in America is not giving at all.

I'll use an online definition of giving to present (pun intended) my case: Giving is to present voluntarily and without expecting reciprocation. Most definitions go after this same idea; that giving expects nothing in return.

I wonder what America's motives for giving will be this Christmas season. I wonder if gifts will be given without expectation. My concern is that during the holidays, Americans give with ulterior motives, that they give with certain expectations, and that their giving may even be obligatory.

Is it also possible that Americans will give seeking some kind of personal gratification?
"Look at what I got you. Look how much I love you."
Are gifts a tangible expression of love?
If that's what they are, then it'll suck to be poor this Christmas.

I am also curious how much money Americans will spend this holiday season, and if something could have been done with that money to more positively impact the world.
What if we used all of our Christmas money, for example, to provide clean drinking water to third world countries? That would surely devastate our economy. What an unrealistic and stupid idea. Why should Americans help others at the risk of destroying our own economy? After all, if we were to give all of our Christmas money to end sickness, poverty, disease, and death in poorer countries... what would we get in return?


That sounds like giving.

On that same note, my last concern is that Americans "give" to those who are not in need.
I don't need another coat or mug this Christmas. Selfishly I would love a new Gore-Tex Patagonia down jacket, that's water proof and has a warm hood on it. I'd also like a new carbon fiber mountain bike, and, while I'm thinking about it, I better add these to the list of things I need.

I recently watched a Living Water video stating that 884 million people lack access to clean drinking water, and that with $10 I could give a child water for life.

That can't be true though right? 

It's true. And we should think about that every time we hit the slopes in our $400 jackets.
I'm an offender too, but my hope is that we all re-think a few things this holiday season. 

My hope is that America gives this Christmas, expecting nothing in return, and to those who are in need.

Now I need to go work on my paper...

If you want to get involved and give fresh water to someone this year check out: